Content Warning: My Inner Sins is an interactive fiction game for players 16 and older that focuses mostly on NPC interactions and character growth. It will feature violent scenes, sexual themes, suicidal thoughts, mental illness, and strong language, and is meant for older audiences.

Four new people end up coming into town, and while that might be a little strange for the small town of Lockwood, Massachusetts, they seem to be keeping a watchful eye on you. But why should that matter? You have other things to worry about, like the feeling that you are being watched....

But everyone is welcome in Lockwood.....

Simple. Those were the words that once described your life, and you would’ve nodded your head in agreement. Your day was a never-ending cycle of the same thing. Wake up, go to work downstairs at your Aunt Zinnia's tea shop, try not to fall asleep at the cash register, sneak yourself a few muffins, go to sleep, have weird nightmares, and repeat for another day. So, it would be an understatement to say that you didn’t expect your life to be turned upside down by demons. 

While most normal family secrets are mediocre or maybe a bit surprising, those of your family, the Oleanders, are mind-blowing. You find out that your family is best known for being monster hunters, or were until your mom fell in love with a demon, making you not only have the most profound hunter blood through your veins but also make you a cambion, a half-human, half-demon spawn. 

Now, with an ancient evil coming after you, you have demons coming back to the mortal plane once again after already dying to guard you. Will you dive headfirst into this supernatural world, or will you crumble under the pressure this new world puts on your shoulders?

  • Rosemary “Rosie” Brown | F | 5’2 | 22 years old???

Rosie is a figure of beauty, with a charming personality that could make anyone swoon and a love for all things fashion. Growing up in the "Jazz Age" has equipped her with an easygoing attitude that didn't stop after she died, taking up the position of Courtesan of Lust and later joining Hell's Champions. Now, on a mission to protect you, she starts to feel again—not just lust but love.

Description: Her skin is a rich cocoa brown, with dark brown eyes and thick eyelashes. She has short, black, and curly hair that is loosely styled. Very short in stature with a slender build. 

Warning: Past Abusive Relationship, Trust Issues, Talk of Receiving Racism

Trope: Optional Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Sworn off relationships

  • Owen O’Conner  | M | 6’4 | 32 years old???

With titles granted to Owen by King Alexander the Third, it was no secret that he was the best fighter, even with his brash attitude. In the knighthood, however, his honor was stripped away after losing the person who mattered the most to Owen. His losses carried him into the afterlife, becoming the Warrior of Warth and later a Hell's Champion, and he swore to his master to protect you (even with your Aunt Zinnia on his "Kill List"). Will you start to be more to him than just a job?

Description: A Scottish man with freckles, pale beige skin, light blue eyes, and faint scars all over his arms and chest. He has long ginger hair, usually styled in a man bun, so it is out of the way. Tall in stature with firm muscles and broad shoulders.

Warning: Past Alcohol Abuse

Trope: Emotional scars, Learning to Love again, Forbidden Love

  • Marcellus “Marcel” De Rosa  | M | 5'9 | 22 years old???

Marcel always believed the gods left him; growing up on the streets, the death of his best friend, and the sickness that was killing his brother didn't leave much room for hope. However, through all the losses, Marcel had a golden heart that showed everyone kindness, even if they might not have deserved it. In the afterlife, he earned the title of Advisor of Greed and later became the leader of Hell's Champions, which were sent to keep a watchful eye over you.

Description: He has a warm, olive skin tone and light brown eyes that complement his lithe build. He has curly, dark brown hair that seems to have never been touched by a brush. There are burns on his feet.

Tropes: Widow/widower, Golden Boy

  • Marguerite “Margaret”  Badeaux | F | 5'8 | 21 years old???

Growing up in a high-class society, it was no surprise that Margaret was unaware of the revolution until it was too late. Dying at the hands of people who saw her as "scum," she carried the burden of never knowing the harm her family had caused until Margaret crossed over. Burying her sadness under the aura of sunshine, she started helping as many people as she could in the afterlife, earning the title Healer of Gluttony and later joining the ranks of Hell's Champions sent to watch over you. Will you be Margaret's first love?

Description: She has a pale skin tone and dark blue eyes that complement her slender build. She has light brown and choppy hair. There is a horizontal scar on the back of her neck.


Trope: First Love, Sunshine RO

  • Tai Huang | M | 5'6 | 23 years old???

Being the child of a Chinese immigrant during the Industrial Revolution, Tai learned to be determined and have a good work ethic. When a tragic accident left him taking his last breath, Tai used his direct and intelligent personality to earn the favor of the Princess of Sloth, giving him the title of Spy Master of Sloth. Tai is keeping a watchful eye on you as the only doctor in Lockwood. What is he hiding behind those tired eyes?

Description: He has a pale skin tone and green eyes that complement his slender build. He has chin-length black hair. He has scars all over his chest and legs.

Warning: Talk of receiving Racism

Tropes: Grumpy RO, Lover in denial, Honesty...he is a total tsundere

  • Zane Blackburn | M | 6’1 | 25 years old

Forgotten. Alone. Anger. That's all Zane has ever felt; when everyone seemed to abandon him, Zane placed his loyalty in the being that wanted you dead. Through nightmares, you can communicate with him. You seem to find that behind his sarcastic and crass attitude, Zane is hiding his broken past.

Description: He has a pale skin tone and gray eyes that complement his swimmer build. He has styled, platinum blonde hair that seems to have too much hair spray. There are no scars on his body.

Warning: Received emotional and physical abuse through Guardian, (Early Relationship) manipulation, suicidal tendencies

Tropes: Rivals, Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers


Tumblr Blog

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(85 total ratings)
AuthorFlorence Typemaniacs
GenreInteractive Fiction, Adventure, Role Playing
TagsRomance, supernatural

Development log


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Really enjoyed this, looking forward to more :)

writing and execution are both fantastic i loved it. I haven't had a good interactive fiction game in a hot minute, well done.

I am so glad you enjoyed it! 


Amazing story, but When will be the  next will be released? Do i need to stage a protest😜😜😜


chapter 4 is super long so I am writing as fast as I can! Thank you so much for reading. Hopefully the next chapter will be out some time in August or September 

rosemary and marcellus already has my heart! can't wait for more updates<3

thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it!!!!


I like this interactive a lot, the characters are interesting, and I can't wait to see future interactions with them


Thank you so much for reading!


I LOVE it!! the game was amazing and I especially liked Tai and Owen. I wish there were more to this story for me to ignore schoolwork for LOL! either way, 10/10 for this short story so far. I really hope that you can continue this awesome game <3


Thank you so much! I know that it needs a lot of work, and now that I am home for the summer, I can't wait to get back to writing Chapter 4. 

hello! i really love this a lot. but... some small thing, is that my character was being called miss and she. 😭


hi! Sorry for the late reply but it will he fixed in the next update! 

(11 edits) (+2)

Can i request that you add settings? Mostly like font size as its a bit difficult for me to read
And also adding some opacity to the sidebar buttons as the font color blends too much into the background

For some feedback: I only gotten to where you name the lil kitty cat but i have noticed some typo's 
The good ole classic putting "Your" instead of "You're" and Camila's name being misspelled in one instance
So would be good to reread and nab those ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ
Edit: Spoilers- Some more typos caught

In the start of chapter 2 when the kittycat is mentioned theres a good amount of grammatical errors

Edit2: Okay Chapt3 has a LOT of typos and errors


Hi! I will think about adding setting! But the grammar errors will be fixed in the next update! Sorry 😅😅😅 I was down one Bata tester but they are helping me find all the errors ☺️. I hope you still enjoyed it! 

You open to another beta tester? I dont mind helping out and proofreading since im weird about catching grammatical errors lol


I am thinking of opening up to another beta tester soon, as there are so many paths, which I will probably announce on my Tumblr. 

(1 edit) (+1)

This is way too good! I'm completely hooked on the story. My stoic, emotionally stunted, and uncharismatic MC is pining for the doctor and I want to see them be happy. Eagerly awaiting the next update!


Thank you so much! I am glad that you enjoyed My Inner Sins! I am working on chapter four as we speak


This is sooooo good! I love how you switch perspectives and the dynamics of all of the characters!! I love love love this plot and love love love Tai so much. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

thank you so much! I know my writing isn't the best but I am so glad that you enjoyed it. Tai is such a cutie pie! 🥰🥰


I love it. I'm going to have a hard time choosing between Owen, Tai, and Zane. Lol. All three are my favorite types. Gaaah! Dx


thank you for the comment! I am so glad you enjoyed the update! 

Hi! Love the demo <3

Are you planning on adding portrait mode?


Yes! I am thinking about it!

(1 edit)

I'm curious, how many words is this at?

nvm found it in the update notes :P

Thank you for reading!


MC x Owen! MC x Tai!! I love them your honor!! 😭 They’re both so protective I just Ahhhhhhh. I neeeed more pls I’m so invested.

(1 edit) (+1)

I appreciate you taking the time to read My Inner Sins! Yes those two are quite protective!

shy MC x Owen !!! ueueue i'm excited to see more of their interactions <333

also to those who play flirty/confident mc, try to flirt with Tai in front of everyone lolol their reactions lolol i'm a shy MC believer but that scene gotta be one of my favs xD

keep up the good work dear author! <3 and thank you for sharing this wonderful world with us <3 stay healthy and hydrated and i hope you always get to have your fav snack whenever you're craving it <333

Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it! Owen is one of my favorite characters to write about, so I am glad you enjoyed the character. Flirty MC has their moments especially with Tai. ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)

(3 edits)

I was playing through the game and chose male for the character but, for some reason I'm referred to as daughter, miss, and so on? I restarted the game but it didn't fix anything 

Nvm!! I got it fixed!maybe not..  Just wanted to let you know! Btw great game so far, I love the writing <3

That is a coding mistake! If you can send me screenshot of where the mistakes are I will make sure to fix it for the next update. You can send me the mistakes on my tumblr if you have the time! 

Oh, sadly I do not have tumblr. :( But, when I get a chance I should be able to send a screenshot in the comments!

thank you so much! If it is to much please do not worry about it! My beta testers are looking for mistakes over the next month! 

(1 edit)

So here is the one where I'm referred to as Miss. I couldn't find the part where I was called daughter, Hope this helps though! :3

thank you so much! This is a big help! 

Great update! Can't wait for the next one.

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed it!

the only issue i have found is that you cant input your own name or the cats name

I didn't see anything wrong with the coding, and my beta testers seem to be able to use custom names. My beta tester suggested exiting out of the game and replaying or making sure that you use the enter button after writing your name. If you have any more trouble, please send me a screenshot of the error from the coding, and I will look again. Sorry for the inconvenience! 

exiting did work. so we are good to go. thank you

You're welcome! 


do you think maybe you can add tone indicators if possible? i cant tell when im making my character be flirty then when i check my stats i realize ive been flirting with people i didn't mean to this whole time </3


That's a good idea! I will add those in the next update!

thank you! i really love the currently chapters so far ^^

I am so glad! 🥰


great if, really! Your writing is really fluid and makes you identify with your Mc emotions. Love the cat btw. Good job, can’t wait to play more! take carex

Thank you so much! A update will be here before the month is over!

Just finished the demo and it was great i love it. Cant wait for more


Thank you so much! Hopefully I will get an update before the month has ended, so please stay tuned.

(1 edit) (+2)

It was longer than I expected. Which was a welcomed surprise. So far, I love the writing and the diversity in dialogue choices. The evil blondy is my favorite. Went straight for the flirt option while he was threatening me and it was hilarious how self aware my character was over it.

10/10. Looking forward to further updates. :)


Omg. Thank you so much! I am glad that you enjoyed it! I am glad it wasn't too short. I was really worried that it wouldn't keep people invested, but there will be an update soon. 🤞 

(1 edit)

Im no masochist but you had me hook line and sinker at tsundere 🥴 I usually play cinnamonrole characters so this will be fun, I always love to see how writers write tsundere's and their responses to things 😭💖 also LOVE Zinnia 💕😭


Thank you! I wasn't always a fan of tsunderes, especially TV shows, but writing one is just too much fun to pass up. Zinnia loves you too, and you will be seeing a whole lot more of her in the next update. ❤️ 

(1 edit)

Hello! This project looks extremely promising! I was about to ask for a Tumblr Blog when I noticed the link, after playing ill definitely write my thoughts!


Thank you so much for the comment! Yes! Please tell me your thoughts, good or bad. I want to make this as good of a narrative as I can.

(1 edit) (+1)

I finally got time to play it!

I really liked the premise.  Your characters always express unique and captivating personalities during their interactions.  It really gives the impression that you write them carefully.

The MC's customization options are interesting, and our aunt is very funny.  (I liked the option of having a pet too! :) )

 My only concerns are the lack of save files, but you already talked about them in a previous post.  Another small detail: the interface is simple, but if there was an option to increase the font size or a different tab for profile and settings, it would be very useful!

Great project, can't wait to see updates!


omg thank you so much. These characters have been with me since I was 13 so the amount of love I have for them is enormous and I am glad i got to share with everyone. Yes, saves will be in the next update. As for the font and setting, I will see what I can do to make it as enjoyable as I can. 

So nice to see an Author that passionate about their project, I wish you the best! <3


Thank you so much!


Hello~ I wanted to check before playing; Is MC race and cultural background locked to white?

(1 edit) (+6)

hello! As of right now the MC's race or culture is not mentioned so you can headcanon MC race to you see fit however later in the game you will be able to choose a specific race/skin tone. 

first things first, i absolutely adore when games like these take place in massachusetts, as someone from the state it's very exciting to see

this was really fun with what was available, i did notice a few typos but nothing that took me out of the story 

anyways, i'm confirming my mc is an absolute terror to deal with whenever they have to get a shot from tai. (aka i have trypanophobia and was/still am a menace when i used to have to get shots)

Omg! Thank you so much for the kind words. I giggled at your MC being afraid of needles. Tai is going to have a journey with you. Lol. I have visited Massachusetts so many times, and it is such a beautiful state but also quite haunting with its history, which is why I chose it to be the state Lockwood resides in. I am so sorry for the grammar mistakes, but if you were to tell them to me via Tumblr, I will be sure to fix them in the meeting!


Dude this is so bomb.


Thank you so much! That means the world that someone enjoyed my story.

(2 edits)

Omg Florence my new bestie!!! Dude i literally went "NOOOOOOOOO" when I saw the ending pop up. I wanted to get to know the hot guy 😭 okay okay seriously now. I loved this. You are the best page I randomly found on tumblr!! Ever!! I am so glad I named the cat Whiskers because the whole conversation regarding him wouldn't have been as funny otherwise. Also I love that we can romance the sarcastic evil dude. Owen id Romance simply because he gives guy your parents (or aunt) would hate you bringing to dinner vibes. And bless poor Margaret's heart. She's adorable. My fav is the very grumpy doc tho. You wrote all of the ROs so well it's gonna be hard to choose. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I hated that it had to end. You had me wanting more. You are Very talented ♥️ 

I appreciated the lil disclaimer in the beginning about Zane thank you. And my only note would be idk if I missed it but a save button would be great because I had a chubby baby hand swipe at my screen and had to speedrun to catch up to where I was before. 🙈

Also I'm on my way to stalk your tumblr and you were a very imaginative 13yo btw the only thing I got from twilight was that sparkling wasn't cute 🤣

(1 edit)

Oh my God, you are such an angel! 😇Thank you for the kind words! All the ROs are my babies, and I can't wait to get more into romance. Yes, Owen is the ginger we all want in our lives and will make your aunt foam at the mouth if you start romancing him later in the story. Although there is some history there, don't worry.☺️ I am sure that you can convince her to welcome him into the family or at least tolerate him for the sake of her precious niece/nibling/nephew.

Don't worry, saves will be in the next update, so don't even worry; your chubby hands will be able to look over your progress as soon as I can convert over to SugerCube. Lol. 🤗

Yes, being a sheltered thirteen-year-old left a lot of room for imagination.😝


Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between. Thank you for playing my interactive fiction, and if you would please leave a comment, that would be so appreciated.